2024/25 Region 2 Winter Steelhead Derby
Entry Fee of $20.00 to be paid at Pacific Rivers Outfitting Company, 45530 Vedder Mountain Road, Chilliwack, BC, V2R 4C3. All entries must be registered in store, a PROC logo tape measure is included in the entry fee for the catch and release portion of the derby.
All rivers and tributaries open to Winter Steelhead in Region 2 qualify for the Derby. All harvested Hatchery Steelhead must be weighed in on the same day as it is harvested. All entrants must be registered 24 hours in advance of the first photo submission or weigh-in. No “same day” registration will qualify.
Fish must be legally caught and all anglers must use proper fishing etiquette (good sportsmanship and proper fish handling).
For the Catch and Release portion of the derby, photos submitted by a solo angler must be of a fish in a net in the water. Photos of the angler handling the fish (keeping its head level with the water) taken by a third party photographer are preferred. PROC tape measure must be in the photo of the fish with derby number visible. For wild Steelhead, the fish MUST remain in the water at all times (head in the water in the photos). As well a video of a safe and healthy release must be included. (an example of a healthy release video will be available on the PROC website.)
Fish must be caught between the dates of December 7, 2024 and March 31, 2025. The harvested hatchery Steelhead portion of the Derby will end March 31st, 2025. Anglers must produce either a STEELHEAD CONSERVATION SURCHARGE OR A STATUS CARD. All harvested Hatchery fish must be RECORDED ON THE ANGLING LICENSE as well as the area caught. This information will be kept confidential.
When an angler catches a fish, they must return to PROC and weigh in the fish that same day. Please do not bring fish inside the shop. Staff will meet you outside to weigh in.
Staff may ask for fish to be cleaned on premises to check for weight altering substances.
All Trophies and Prizes will be awarded on Saturday April 12th, 2025 at a location to be announced.
Pacific Rivers Outfitting Company, 45530 Vedder Mountain Rd, Chilliwack BC,V2R 4C3. Phone # 778-704-1481
DERBY PRIZE DISTRIBUTION (one entry fee of $20 enters an angler into both formats)
○ First Steelhead Weighed in – $75 Gift Card
○ First Steelhead Release Video Submission – $75 Gift Card
○ 1st Prize Heaviest Fish – $1000
○ First Prize Steelhead release submission (By Judges vote) – $1000
○ 2nd Prize weighed in Steelhead – Kingpin Imperial or Loop Strike
○ 2nd Prize Steelhead release Submission – Kingpin Imperial or Loop
Strike ($595)
○ 3rd Prize weighed in Steelhead – Drift Rod and Reel or Fly Fishing
Combo ($450)
○ 3rd Prize Steelhead release Submission – Drift Rod and Reel or Fly
Fishing Combo ($450)
○ 3 Hidden Weights for weigh in derby – $100 each
○ 3 Hidden Dates for Video Submission derby – $100 Each
All proceeds from the Derby will go towards Steelhead enhancement projects in Region 2. Applications for funding will be accepted from nonprofit groups spearheading initiatives to help guarantee fishing opportunities for the future in region 2. Details of the projects with costs will be included in the applications and evidence of how funds are spent and resources used will be required as proof of proper use, to include video and accounting reports. This will be made available to derby participants to check where their money is actually going. It will be an annual assessment on where funds will be of best use, judged by a panel of stakeholders from region 2.
This Derby will engage with all lower mainland anglers and educate anglers on proper catch and release practices. This derby relies on our communities responsibility and stewardship over our waterways. If we come together as a fishing community we can help provide fishing resources for the future. The youth community is strongly encouraged to participate as they are the future of our fisheries. Keeping each other accountable can ensure the success of this Derby.
PROC Region Two Derby- Catch and Release Protocol
- Anglers must be registered in the Derby at least 24hrs before submitting a picture and video.
- All anglers must prove that they possess a Steelhead tag on their license before entry.
- Barbless hooks only and angling should only take place in areas and rivers that are open for fishing in Region Two at the time of the Derby 7th December 2024 – 31st March 2025
- Solo anglers are required to submit a picture of the fish in a net in the water with the PROC tape showing the Anglers particular Derby Registration number. A video of the safe ethical release of the fish will also be required for each entry.
- A third-party photo of an angler with their fish should capture the PROC tape either laying beside the fish or draped around the angler’s neck or clothing with the registration number visible. The fish should remain in the water with at least its head still level with the water.
- Regarding effective catch and release of fish, it is important to play fish in as quickly as you can. An angler wearing appropriate footwear and clothing will help facilitate stepping into the water, so the fish stays safe and unharmed in water deep enough to cover its gills. Dragging a fish onto the bank is not good practice and will not be accepted. We are happy to see another Angler help in the landing process to help keep the fish wet and brought to hand(net) as quickly as possible. Have your tape and camera/phone on your person to maximize the efficiency of the release. Never touch a fish with dry hands, this can cause damage to the fish after the release.
If a fish is deeply hooked, cut the line as close as you can to the fish’s mouth and get ready for release.
Take your photo as quickly as you can with minimal distress to the fish as possible, hold the fish upright and facing into the current as lightly as you can waiting until you feel it is strong enough to swim off safely, video this release section for proof of a strong release.
We hope that by adhering to these simple directions we can help to educate anglers as to the best practices. Play the fish in quickly, keep them wet and make sure they are strong before release. As a member of this Derby if you see another Derby participant (with a PROC tape) not adhering to these catch and release directions, please either advise that person on what is expected, or give the store a call to let us know that we need to look at omitting this entry from the derby.