ALAN PENNER – Custom Flies

From: $4.00

Alan Penner is a local fly tier who specializes in bespoke steelhead and salmon intruders. His flies contain classic elements with a modern twist. As a full time teacher at one of our local middle sch…Read more

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Product description

Alan Penner is a local fly tier who specializes in bespoke steelhead and salmon intruders. His flies contain classic elements with a modern twist. As a full time teacher at one of our local middle schools, Alan brings his professionlism to PROC by running lots of fly tying nights and instructional corses at the store.

Article number N/A

AP ART. Damsel DRK Olive 12, AP ART. Damsel DRK Olive 14, AP ART. Damsel LT. Olive 12, AP ART. Damsel LT. Olive 14, AP Chinook Piglet – Blue/Chrt, AP Chinook Piglet – Chrt, AP Composite Leech – Blk/Blue, AP Composite Leech – Blk/Org, AP Composite Leech – Blue/Wht, AP Composite Leech – Org/Wht, AP Composite Leech – Pnk, AP Flash Candy, AP Foxy Dog – Org/Blue, AP Foxy Dog – Org/Gld, AP Hippy Stomper Green, AP Hippy Stomper Yellow, AP Micro Intruder Blk/Blue/Chart, AP Micro Intruder Blk/Blue/Pink, Ap Micro Intruder Orange/White, AP Old School Intruder – Blk/Blue, AP Old School Intruder – Blk/Purp, AP Old School Intruder – Blue/Wht, AP Old School Intruder – Pnk/Org, AP Reverse Marabou Blue/Blk, AP Reverse Marabou Blue/Chart, AP Reverse Marabou Purp/Org, AP Reverse Marabou Red/Org., AP Reverse Marabou Wht/Pink, AP River Runner, AP River Runner Black/Blue, AP Roamer Black/Blue, AP Roamer Pink/Orange, AP Roamer Tube Blk/Blue, AP Roamer Tube Blk/Purple, Ap Roamer Tube Olive/White, AP Shadow Black/Blue, AP Shadow Black/Red, AP Shadow Pink, AP Shadow Purple/Blue, AP Shadow Red/Black, AP Skagit Swinger – Olv/Wht, AP Sylvanator – Blk/Blue, AP Sylvanator – Blk/Purp, AP Sylvanator – OB Blk/Blue, AP Sylvanator – Olv, AP Sylvanator – Pnk, AP Sylvanator – Pnk/Wht, AP Sylvanator BB Black/Blue, AP Sylvanator Blue/Chartreuse, AP Sylvanator Chartreuse/Blue, AP Sylvanator Pink/Orange, AP Tiny TNT, AP Tout Spey #8, AP Trout Spey #10, AP Trout Spey #6, AP Trout Zonker -Olive, AP Trout Zonker-Black, AP Trout Zonker-White, Black Red #18, Black/Silver #16, Blue Dun #18, BMW Bloody Jig Leech #10, BMW Vampire Jig Leech #10, BMW Vampire Jig Leech #14, Dragonfly Nymph, Gartside Sparrow Hares Mask #6, Gartside Sparrow Olive #6, Greenhead Jig Leech #10, Maroon Jig Leech #10, Pumpkin Head Jig Leech #10, UV Damsel Jig Leech #10, UV Damsel Jig Leech #14, UV LT. Olive Jig Leech #12, UV Maroon Jig Leech #10, UV Olive Jig Leech #12, Vampire Jig Leech #10, Vampire Jig Leech #14, WB BRED #14, Zucchini BB #14, Zucchini BB #16, Zucchini BB #18, Zucchini WB #14, Zucchini WB #16
