Fly Tying Tools

Showing 1–12 of 49 results


LOON UV Plasma Light

The ultimate UV-curing light. Designed to provide a faster, stronger, more tack-free cure on all of Loon’s UV resins, the UV Plasma Li...

DR.SLICK Steel Tyer Kit

SAP4 Scissor, CBOB4 Bobbin and  BOD-ST, BT-ST, HSM-ST, WF4-ST, HP-ST Tying Tools in Large Fly Box –  This is an excellent gift for the...

SHOR – Premium Tool Kit

THE PREMIUM KIT INCLUDES:Tungsten Carbide ScissorsAll-Purpose Straight ScissorsCarbide Bobbin HolderComes in SHOR Fishing tool pouch.

LOON Accessory Fly Tying Tool Kit

The tool kit for taking it to the next level. Packaged in a heavy duty travel case and featuring the Gator Grip Dubbing Spinner, D-Loop Twee...

LOON Ergo Dialed In Bobbin

Perfect shape + perfect tension = perfect flies (hopefully) The iconic Ergo Bobbin series gets an upgrade to allow tyers to perfectly dial i...

SHOR PREMIUM – All Purpose Tungsten Carbide Scissors 4″


SHOR – Premium Titanium Line Nipper

These nippers are made of high-quality titanium and are the ideal combination of durability and performance. They have a straight cutting su...

SHOR Premium Razor Straight Scissors 4”

4 inch scissors ajustable tension  very sharp

DR.SLICK Hair Scissor 4.5″ Tungsten Carbide

Based on the Big Three, this series has T.C. blades welded onto the scissor blade frame. T.C. is 7x harder than stainless steel and holds an...

DR.SLICK Slick Release Scissor Clamp

Easy, hands-free release of fish finally done right! Simply slide the tube down your tippet until the fly is inside the tube. A quick pop or...

SHOR Premium – Carbide Bobbin Holder

Stronger and smoother, this tool is a real revolution. After several months of testing and research, our team came to the conclusion that th...

SHOR – Premium Bent Shaft – Arrow Scissors 3.5″
