
Showing all 12 results

TEXTREME – Gummy Chenille

The new Gummy Chenille 3 mm. Is made with a shiny elastic that gives it a rubbery and deceptive effect for the fish that does not perceive i...

FLYBOX – Uv Polar Chenille

UV Polar Chenille is a longer fibre version of the popular Synergy Straggle. Designed for use on Trout lures, Pike & Saltwater flies and...

H2O – Woolly Bug Chenille

A wooly chenille incorporated with a subtle flash. 3 meters per carded package.– 4 colors available

HARELINE – UV Polar Chenille

Polar Chenille can be incorporated into any pattern for a buggy body. It gives undulating movement when fished. Easy to wrap and a nice vers...

HARELINE – Polar Chenille

Hareline Polar Chenille – This material can be incorporated into any fly pattern to make it buggier and add movement in the water. Inc...

HARELINE – Cactus Chenille

Hareline Cactus Chenille is an estaz equivalent that is perfect for crystal buggers, leeches, streamers and more.
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TEXTREME – Microchenille

The spool version of the famous Microchenille. This type of packaging is ideal for use with spoolers, while the cardboard card packaging is ...

SHOR – Palmer Chenille

Pearlescent single-sided chenille Use : Collars, palmered for streamer bodies or great replacement for streamer sized dubbing brushes.Sizes:...
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SHOR Glow In The Dark Chenille

Perfect for flies you use in dark or cloudy water.Colors: Pink, Green, Orange, White and Yellow

SHOR Glow Brite Chenille

Chenille with shiny tinsel accent

SHOR Crystal Chenille

Crystal Chenille adds attraction and flash to streamers and egg patterns and can be used in any pattern recipe calling for traditional rayon...

SHOR Chenille Fluorescent

Super shiny chenille. All colors fluoresce under UV lightSize: Small, Medium or LargeQty: 3 yd bag