Atlantic Rivers Outfitting Company

Atlantic Rivers Outfitting Company has two Atlantic salmon lodges in Labrador, Canada. Hunt River Lodge in northern Labrador boasts traditional angling for large Atlantic salmon amidst beautiful surroundings, comfortable lodging and fine dining. The St. Lewis River Lodge in southern Labrador is pure world class luxury at one of the most productive Atlantic salmon pools in the world. Each lodge and river is quite distinctive and finds its own niche of angler and pure adventurer.

Hunt River Lodge

Atlantic Salmon 

Packages: Start at $9,000 CAD / angler for 4 nights and based on occupancy of 8 anglers

The exceptionally clear waters of the Hunt River, its aggressive Atlantic salmon willing to take dry flies from the surface and paired with exceptional accommodations creates one of the finest wilderness angling experiences in the North America.


St. Lewis River Lodge

Atlantic Salmon 

Packages: Start at $10,400 CAD / angler for 3 nights and based on occupancy of 5 anglers

The First Falls on the St. Lewis River is one of the most productive pools in the world for Atlantic salmon dry fly angling and the experience is punctuated with one of the most luxurious wilderness retreats in the world.