Peter HermanDec 28th - 7lb 11oz Brian EgoDec 31 - 8lb 11.5oz Tim SwansonJan 7th - 10lb 11oz Ed FogartyJan 19th - 12lb 6oz Aaron PetersJan 20th - 5lb 1oz Bill ReekieJan 22nd - 9lb 6oz Tim Swanson (1st C&R Winner!)Jan 20th - A lovely fish properly handled and accompanied with a great swim away video clip Cory Fisher (C&R)Jan 22nd - Another beauty well handled and returned. Peter HermanJan 26th - 9lb 12oz Gerry DewarJan 27th - 12lb 10oz Sam RochaJan 27th - A lovely release carefully watched over by Lucious the dog. Julian ReedelJan 31st - A brace, 9lb 5oz and 6lb 0oz. Deb DrozdaFeb 2nd - 6lb 7oz Kenny MeerkerkFeb 3rd - 5lb 4oz Greg PlotnikoffFeb 5th - Another lovely wild fish properly handled and returned to continue the journey. Stephen RyanFeb 6th - a brace for Stephen,10lb 9oz and 7lb 1oz Dan HeffnerFeb 6 - A nice buck for Dan, 11lb 8oz Keifer GladueFeb 6th - A beautiful doe for Keifer, 7lb 7oz Braylon HakeFeb 9th - Another well done catch and release. Keifer GladueFeb 9th - A beautiful wild doe. Scott FondaFeb 10th - a great 10lb 5oz fish for Scott! Gerry DewarFeb 11th - Another sweet doe weighing in at 11lb 7oz. Kenny MerkerkFeb 11th - Another great no touch release of a wild buck. Stephen RyanFeb 11th - A healthy release with gusto! Keifer GlaudeFeb 11th - another C&R entry for Keifer, well done! Peter HermanFeb 12th - 2 excellent C&R entries for Peter this weekend! Keifer GladueFeb 12th - yet another great release for Keifer! PROC Staffer LiamNot eligible for prizes, but a lovely fish for our very own Liam on the fly! Petr HermanFeb 13th - A big buck weighing in at 14lb 5oz. Nice! Michael from Prime LuresFeb 14th - A wild buck release for Michael. Brittany MorelyFeb 15th - A smooth release for Brittany! Curtis BatschkewitzFeb 16th - a nice 9lb 9oz fish. Well done Curt!